Something New from the Past

As the US stepped into 1920, a noticeable change in restaurant patronage could be seen. Prohibition was in full force. Windows that once were filled with guests toasting glasses and delving into delicious plates of food were now only half as full and the ding of glasses was gone.
However, tucked away in basements and elevated into rooms above those once busting restaurants, people were still smiling, drinking, and dining as Speakeasy restaurants hosted guests to new food and banned alcohol.
We have found one of the original Speakeasy's of San Francisco and are reviving the space to bring you a series of Monday night underground dinners. With menus inspired by classics Waldorf Astoria and other restaurants of the time, we will be hosting you to a night of food, drinks, and fun.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 25th Anderson Farms Chili Dinner

Menu:  Anderson Farms is Gibson Anderson's greenhouse in Saratoga CA.  No pesticides are used on his heirloom chilis.  Gibson instead uses beneficial Insects such as lady bugs to take care of his insect problems.  What started out as a hobby to grow chilis for his chef son, has grown to a passion including setting up an automatic internal sprinkler system to give the plants the exact amount of water and nutrients they need to give you the chili flavor you love. This was especially instrumental in this years crop of Naga Jalokia(Ghost chili) the world record holding hottest chili in the world.

Gazpacho:  Red Jalapeno, torpedo onion, end of the season heirloom tomato
Salad:  Bitter Chicories, sweet pickled Cayenne Ring of Fire, Goat cheese, Croutons

Chili, Chili, Chili: Naga Jalokia(Ghost Chili) Braised Brisket, Tabasco sauteed greens, Cayenne Ring of Fire Mac and Cheese

Mexican Chocolate Pot de Creme:  Tabasco, Cinnamon, Mace, Sightglass Coffee, Ghiradelli Chocolate

1 comment:

  1. dinner last night was UNREAL - thank you so much! can't wait to be back for another :)
